For almost 70 years, the USSR government has spread terror and intimidation across the country and population. Three generations of frightened, unfree and unhappy people have grown up during this time. Millions of men and women were shot or captured in concentration camps and died pointlessly. Every family has lost loved ones.

The painting shows a little man with a balloon sitting on a wheel. The wheel is half made of barbed wire, which symbolizes the dictatorial regime. Three balls were burst on this barbed wire, like three generations of people who suffered at the hands of the state.

The fourth ball in the picture is the hope for the current generation, which can overcome its fear and prevent a new catastrophe.

My performance is dedicated to the action “Returning the Names” that is supposed to remember the victims of Soviet political terror.

2022 is the year of a new catastrophe and new deaths, so it is more important than ever to remember that there is nothing more valuable than human life.

On October 29th 2023 I took part in the "Return of Names" campaign organised by the International Memorial in the Memorial to the Victims of Communism in Maarjamäe, Estonia.